Monday, August 3, 2009

Meat and Potatoes at Night, Horse Food in the Morning

So, I felt guilty for eating meat and potatoes last night (no I don't) and I saw an episode of "You Are What You Eat" and felt like I lacked a bit of fruit in my life. So I decided to start off the day healthy with a bit of horse food. Well not technically horse food, but bran. Ech, bran. Tasteless, brown little turdlets. I just want to grind em up and make a breadcrumb out of them. Okay, well it's not that bad but turns out, if you just add a little color to it, it doesn't look so bad.

Horse food never looked or tasted so good. And for those of you who are wondering what I had last night.

You're wondering what that white stuff on the beef is. Its feta cheese. I saw some lovely corn in the farmer's market and decided, why not? A little someone in the house took them and boiled them (how dare you boil corn). So I said to myself, why not roast them on an open fire? So I made a little corn salad, paired up with some cherry tomatoes (I love cherry tomatoes) with cilantro and a squirt of lime juice (I wonder what else I threw in there). On the side was just a potato thingy sauteed with curry. And lastly a piece of seared cheap beef (I don't even know what part of the cow) with feta cheese. I wish I lived near a butcher, a nice filet would have tasted good.

I ended the afternoon with a nice hummus. Its the first time I tried hummus and my god it was amazing (sprinkled a little feta on top). I had no pita bread so I just thinly sliced some bread I had lying around and toasted it (I know, disgraceful aren't I?). But hopefully, next time I make hummus I'll pair it up with some roasted bell peppers, basil and some feta cheese. Mmm.

Edit: How to make hummus (as if I'm an expert, but here's how I made it)

1 can of chickpeas
1 squirt of lemon juice
a couple tablespoons of olive oil (till its smooth)
1 teaspoon of cumin
Crumbled feta cheese on the side

I tried to blend it all together with my blender (I have no food processor here), but that didn't work out, so I just ground it up with a big bowl and spoon. Incorporated the olive oil slowly, added the lemon juice and cumin. Spread it pretty and there ya go.

1 comment:

  1. lol. i know what you mean about the bran but wow i never thought of mixing it like you did i know i need more fiber. Thanks for the picks and if you can post how to make hummus i would gladly appreciate it. I'll stay in tune for other posts.
